Application ideas / what do you want to build?


what do you want to build based on Sirix? :slight_smile:

Kind regards

I’m interested in using this DB for storing accounting transactions as triples.

A major dimension in accounting is temporality. AsAt, FromTo, transaction timestamps, transaction void and replace.


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Hi Andrew,

very interesting. Do you want to use the REST-API or do you want to embed SirixDB in your application?

Feel free to ask anything :slight_smile:

Kind regards

Hi Johannes

I’m an accountant leading a research team. Our approaches are experimental. I’ll get my team to take a closer look at what you have and we’ll be in touch.

Thanks for the quick response.

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Ah that’s great. I want to finalize the binary encoding and write a specification some day. I guess it would be wise to reserve some bytes in each page for future versions. But I guess I’ll have to think about an export/import mechanism once the binary encoding really changes such that people can really start using SirixDB :slight_smile:

That said I intent to release 1.0.0 soon and afterwards wouldn’t want to change the binary encoding until we release 2.0.

Kind regards

I would give it a try for storing very large set of historical market data which can be used for running simulations

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Is it JSON or XML data? :slight_smile:

The legacy data is in xml, but the new representation is in .net objects and best thing would be to serialize them in json

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Ah okay, the native JSON layer in SirixDB is pretty new, XML should be more mature, but for sure SirixDB is there to support huge data sets, so I’ll try to fix any issues, which might arise :slight_smile: Looking forward

I want to write a note talking app.
Where each paragraph is a json data.
And then document becomes the combination of several paragraphs.
in a tree form.

Does SirixDB support something like json-ld ?? so that I can make documente as the composition of several json paragraphs??

Or how do you suggest I can go about building that ?

@Alejandro_Garcia You could simply store an array of objects or array of arrays. You can for instance receive the unique node-ID of every node in SirixDB through the JSONiq function sdb:nodekey, so you have the insertion point…

Can you point me towards docume tation on how to write a query that traverses a deeply nested structure… so that I can follo the sirixdb identifiers.

I’ll paste a few URLs:

and in-progress:
