What do you need to get started?


just wanted to know if you’re having trouble setting up or working with Sirix. If you struggle with anything just ask :slightly_smiling_face:

Kind regards

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Hi Johannes,

I’m reading the documentation and my eyes are glazing over at all the jargon. Do you have a step-by-step guide for deployment/building the database? What programs will I need to have installed?

If it’s useful, I’m on Windows 10 OS and I have some flavor of Git Bash on my desktop.

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Do you want to set up the front-end for helping with the development? Or simply use the HTTP-Server or use it as an embedded Java library? :slight_smile:

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Sorry, I’m not sure I understand the difference between all three of those. Let me loop in one of my friends in the industry and see what makes the most sense.

I usually use a text editor to produce code (like Atom), so I’m used to pulling things from Github and then pushing back after I’ve made some commits. Is development currently test-driven? Have features been marked as issues?

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I mean

  • There’s the web front-end, which can on the one hand be used to interact with SirixDB, for instance through queries or through data changes in different views (as for instance pgAdmin for PostgreSQL).
  • You can use SirixDB from another Java library to store snapshots of currently XML and JSON data and query these snapshots.
  • You can interact with SirixDB from an application over the network by starting the SirixDB HTTP-Server and making requests.

For the web front-end we have to write unit, integration and end-to-end tests. For SirixDB core, xquery module and the HTTP-Server we have tests :slight_smile:


Oh, that’s what you mean! :smiley:

I think the web front-end would be my strong suit. Has it been started yet, and if so, how would I navigate to it? Is there a guide to deploying it at all yet?

Sorry for all the questions! I’m just trying to get a better sense for the scope of this project, especially since the most I’ve ever done is a basic video game review web application.


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https://github.com/sirixdb/sirix-web-frontend This is the repository and it has a README. Let us know if this helps to get it up and running :slight_smile:

@Johannes Hello, I am having issues running your example codes locally using gradle 6.6.1 on Windows and IntelliJIdea, could You give me some guide please ? I have tried building the parrent project, aswell as the core project separately using graddle wrapper but most of the tests end with Java.nio.FileSystemException, inspecting further log details said there was : “EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION”, attempting to start the main after using gradlew.bat throws linkage error - process java.exe finished with value 1

Hi, do you use Java 14? I usually simply run the tests within IntelliJ, but it should be no problem to execute these with Gradle on the command line.

Hello, yes I made myself sure several times the oracle JDK 14 is isntalled and being used, what I am trying to accomplish is to run (for example) io.sirix.tutorial.json.CreateJsonDatabase, I am using gradle build over the parrent project but this method fails at several tests, saying that some resources are being used by other process (which I made myself sure is not by restarting machine several times or deleting the resorces so they have to be generated again), or there are some illegal memory access isues, so I use gradle build -x test which finishes successfuly but then when I try to run the main form Idea I get linkage error saying that java.exe finished wrong, is this the supposed way to run those codes ?

Are you on Windows? You can try to set in the class ResourceConfiguration private static final StorageType STORAGE = StorageType.MEMORY_MAPPED; to StorageType.FILE

Hello, thank you for your time and response, it helped but sadly I was still not able to run the main method so I guess I am giving up on my issue. I shall write this allso to github.

Hello @johannes
I am new to this and trying to contribute on a issue,
I’m getting errors on running the Main file here

Error: LinkageError occurred while loading main class io.sirix.query.Main
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Preview features are not enabled for io/sirix/query/Main (class file version 65.65535). Try running with ‘–enable-preview’

Using Java 21
and Gradle : 8.7

Anything, or its just my system conflicts that’s causing this?

Copy the JVM flags in build.gradle in the parent (used for the tests for instance). Or copy the flags from here: SirixDB - Using the Java CLI via JSONiq queries


Thanks for the response @johannes.
I’ll try it today evening.
One more, how do I get access to docker images.

You can find an image on dockerhub.

Kind regards