regarding sirix-rest-api …class Auth
Is there a way to avoid the keycloak request on every sirix api request ?
regarding sirix-rest-api …class Auth
Is there a way to avoid the keycloak request on every sirix api request ?
Hi Jörg,
I just had a quick look into the Vert.x implementation, but if the token is already there it seems to just check if it’s expired and then returns a future with an AccessToken object (OAuth2AuthProviderImpl).
Thanks for asking Did you have trouble setting up SirixDB with Keycloak?
Have a great sunday
kind regards
The setup instructions could be more polished, I think… but everything in the keycloak-vertx setup worked perfectly.
I verified that the keycloak server is not contacted while vertx has the valid token, as expected.
Thanks for the info.
The routes /login and /[database] need some work on their responses, hopefully I can create a PR the next days.
Keep up the nice work… whats next ?
Horizontal scaling and replication would definitely be a great feature.
Cool, thank you very much
Yeah, I think after releasing 1.0 I want to look into horizontal scaling and replication
Most probably with a transaction-log stored in Apache BookKeeper for replicating resources through a single writer and asynchronous readers. I think it also provides stuff like read your own writes and so on. Plus quorum-based writes…
BTW: Thanks so much
looking also forward to your PR